Monday, July 16, 2012

Why I Remain a Closet Prepper

So I have come to accept that I am a "Prepper".  Like many others, I have watched the show "Doomsday Preppers"  I realize that it is a show produced for ratings and entertainment, therefor they are looking for most eccentric people they can find. If I was producing this show I would probably do the same thing. But this show has not exactly helped the prepper cause. The show is creating a negative stigma of the "prepper".  When I watch these people on Doomsday Preppers, I think to myself, if the SHTF, people all around them will know where to go to get their food and supplies for their starving families. Even the Doomsday Prepper with a roomful of guns will have problems. All it takes is a larger group of intelligent people with guns to come up with a plan to over-throw them from their own property.
There are, of course, reasons outside of "Doomsday Preppers" why I choose to remain anonymous. If something does indeed happen to cause societal chaos, the best thing my family can do is stay far away from chaos, that includes people knocking on my door because they know I have what they desperately need. Yes, I am all about helping neighbors and family, but lets face it, none of us can help the world and survive comfortably ourselves. I have always been the wall-flower type, in social situations that may be a negative trait, but in survival situations that is one trait I will carry on with. People do not need to know what I have in storage in my basement totes or what my land can produce. Just on my land alone we have a natural spring, a stocked pond, a small apple orchard, berry patches, grape vines, a garden and lots of wildlife roaming through. It wouldn't take too many unwelcomed guest to destroy my harvests.
Even the nice old Grandmother that lives in town may kill me and my family if her desire to keep her own children alive was strong enough. If times get too rough, people naturally become selfish. Providing for their own basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and warmth takes over their whole world.
I can think of no reason why I should tell people I am prepper. My husband knows, and that is the extent of who I talk about it with. If the SHTF, I will of course share with my greater family, friends and neighbors, but there is no value in others knowing right now.  I like my neighbors and many of us are like-minded. I would not be surprised if when chaos hits we find out that we are all a bunch of closet preppers. But until then I will remain in my closet, prepping away. I see that "Doomsday Preppers" is looking for people for next season, sorry "Doomsday Preppers" keep looking, nothing to see here.

1 comment:

  1. The Producers that brought you Doomsday Preppers are now casting for a new series about PREPPER MOMS! We're looking for your average suburban mom who is also preparing her kids and family for any of lifes uncertainies. For more information please email ‪#‎preppers‬ ‪#‎doomsdaypreppers‬ ‪#‎preppermom‬
